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When you click on a link and your article is not at the top of the page, simply scroll down to it.  There are several articles on each page.

Where can you take your dog to the beach?  This is the most complete list I have ever seen.  From Maine to Washington State, find out where you can take your dog to the beach.  CLICK HERE or in the heading. 

Choke Chain -  Is This A Good Collar For My Dog?

Kelly Marshall   CLICK HERE


Obedience Training A Puppy: How Soon?

Great information about training and taking care of your dog.

English Bulldog puppy

How To Train Your Dog In As Little As 2 Weeks Without Yelling, Scolding Or Hitting


English Bulldog puppy

Housebreaking Puppies - This Isn't Working!


Dog Cages Simplify House Training


Beginning Basic Obedience and Clicker Training


The 5 Most Important Tips When Starting To Train Your Dog


Training Your Puppy And Getting Results


Training Our Puppy Properly


Basics - Dog Training


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